Having a dedicated server of your own is a far better option than any regular web hosting server providers as it provides you with complete control and admin over the system. Whenever the question of security arises, a Dedicated Server Hosting software with admin control outdoes a Web hosting service. Hosting web sites on your own server is always reliable, stable and 100% result oriented than that of shared web hosting service. By using a Dedicated Server Hosting, you can avoid major problems of overloading, wrong or bad coding and so on that generally occurs in a shared web hosting. In addition to this, it also decreases the dependency ratio on the web host that further reduces the chances of delayed website hosting. The best feature of setting up your own server is, all the time support that you can give to your clients that is almost impossible in a shared web hosting service.
Setting up your own hosting server let you handle E-commerce websites without tension because servers for e-commerce websites requires more attention, planning and regular maintenance, because everything is done by you from the security configuration until its installation. So put a stake in the ground to enhance your bread and butter income by setting up your own server for website hosting. Following are the steps for setting up a hosting server to generate lots of buzz in your business:
1) The first step, you should take of Port Forward and disabling firewalls.
2) After doing this, just download Steam and AMXMODX
3) Select the Counter-Strike. You can also keep the defaults.
4) Then, click on the RUN option to run the server so that all the files can be created.
5) Just close the server. Download any add-ons, you desire to install.
6) In case if you have a router, then do Port Forward to run off the server.
7) Now, RUN the server. In addition to this, you should also run the command Plugins and Modules. This step will ensure that everything is executing in right direction.
8) Last but not the least, look for your IP address. Now, your dedicated server is ready to run.
With the above given instructions, run your own server and get ready to host you website. Though everyone can't afford to set up own servers but its one time investment for long run promising results. While setting up your servers always keep one thing in mind that managing a server is a lifetime process, so just keep it abreast with innovative software. Updating the servers on regular basis ensures its smooth operation for a long life.
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Hmm.......nice sharing it's really informative as well as useful info.
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thanx kim.....
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